Indiegogo Launch and Radical Generosity!

Feb 8, 2015

Gratitude and momentum!

Wow, what a week of community love, abundance, and momentum!

Remembering last Saturday’s Festival Beach Food Forest Fundraiser Launch Party, our hearts overflow with gratitude for the unforgettable evening of incredible generosity, love, contribution, and commitment! We extend our appreciation to all attendees, volunteers, and sponsors who helped to make this fundraiser possible and share our vision of making abundant, healthy food available to all. Whether you missed the party or made it, we appreciate all of the ways you support this people-powered initiative, and we’re excited to keeping connecting, growing, and celebrating with you! 

What’s next?! Unleash the Love Campaign!

There are two easy ways to unleash community love with the Festival Beach Food Forest this February:

  1. Help raise $25K by Valentine’s Day with the Indiegogo Love Campaign! (Share with your community!)
  2. Join the Festival Beach Food Forest GivePulse Team to keep up to date on volunteer opportunities.

It’s never been easier to share the story of the Festival Beach Food Forest (FFBF) and make a direct contribution, thanks to our inspiring new Indiegogo campaign and video. Many thanks to FBFF leader Jonathan Barona and our generous and talented videographer, Tyler Wiethorn, for putting this great campaign together.

This February, we’ll be expanding engagement with local schools and neighbors at the RBJ Center – let us know if you’d like to get involved working with diverse community partners!  We’ll be posting volunteer opportunities on GivePulse to make it easy to plug in. Are you looking to get more involved as we gain momentum? We welcome your ideas and contributions – email us at

This issue of East Feast News is dedicated to giving thanks to all those who have helped make the kick-off of the Indiegogo campaign a great success, including:

Inspiring community partners, sponsors and speakers

This grassroots project reflects the steadfast contributions of a network of community leaders.  Thank you again to Zach, Virginia, and YardFarm for hosting the party at their home and farm .

fbff_launch_ldei_donationWe extend special thanks to our inspiring emcee, Brandi Clark Burton of Austin EcoNetwork. We would like to thank Les Dames d’Escoffier for presenting East Feast with a $1,000.00 donation.

We also thank community leaders Daniel Llanes of PODER and Kirby Fry of Austin Permaculture Guild for articulating the importance of edible landscaping on public land and the historic significance of the Festival Beach Food Forest project.

We thank both of these leaders for their trailblazing work in advancing environmental justice and regenerative practices. The leadership and expertise of Austin’s social justice and permaculture communities will propel this project forward!

Amazing musicians and entertainers

fbff_launch_mmmbThe diversity at the heart of the food forest was well-reflected by the eclectic array of musical genres represented by fantastic local bands:

fbff_launch_firespinTwo talented fire spinners, Travis Shade & Maia Valentine, also captivated attendees.

Contributors of Food and Drink

Thank you to the local farms and vendors that contributed to the great food at the Launch Party.  Special thanks to El Milagro, Green Gate Farms, Tiny Pies, Little Lucy’s,  Farm to Table, and Johnson’s Backyard Garden. Thank you, Nubian Queen Lola’s Cajun Soul Food, for cooking some wonderful food.

Thank you to Meridian Hive, Thirsty Planet, Austin Beerworks, ABGB,  and Tito’s Handmade Vodka for generously donating beverages for the event.

Contributors to the Silent Auction

Thanks to all who bid on the gifts generously contributed by local businesses and partners, including:

Pie-O-Neers of the Pie Showcase & Pie Walk

Thank you to all of the Pie Creators and Pie Walkers who participated in the first East Feast Pie Showcase and Pie Walk!  Not only was the Pie Walk delicious fun, your contributions raised $600 for the Festival Beach Food Forest!

These delectable, lovingly contributed pies also helped raise awareness about the inspiring work underway in our community!  Stay tuned for the first edition of the East Feast Recipes for Community Nourishment cook book, featuring the recipes for these pies and the stories behind them.

Special thanks to:

Special thanks to Robin McDowell, Elizabeth Walsh, Olivia Sanchez, Luanne Stovall, and Rachel Warburton for creating the idea of this special event. Thanks to Robin McDowell for creating the special website and the design of the event. Thanks to Ann Armstrong and Hatch Studios for lending the wonderful wooden community tables. The Pie Walk would not have been successful without day-of support from Caroline Prisant, Brandi Clark Burton, and Jodi Lane.  Thank you all!

Super Star Volunteers

Special thanks to Olivia Sanchez, Rachel Warburton, Zachary Herigodt, John Van Lowe, Destiny Young, Brianna Merrill, and Rick Rojo for the countless hours you dedicated to planning and creating an unforgettable evening of celebration.  Special thanks also, to Jodi Lane, Christopher Sanchez, Michelle Zamora, Mitch Wright, Michael Monreal, Donna West, Farah Rivera, and Elizabeth Walsh for all you did to make the party a success.

A special thank you to Jessica Crowley of the Holly Neighborhood for designing the latest incarnation our logo.

Many thanks to Jonathan Barona for leading the IndieGoGo campaign.

Get In Touch or Visit The Food Forest Anytime

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